Holistic Pelvic Massage in Dublin, Ireland

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy

   Complementary specialised therapeutic massage to support reproductive and abdominal wellness

I want to be very clear with you about this.

There is no treatment, holistic or otherwise, that can absolutely guarantee a pregnancy - as a woman with fertility issues you may be feeling very vulnerable and not sure where to turn. I am deeply committed to practising with honesty and integrity and have strong ethics around my work in this area. I do not take on every client on an ongoing basis and will refer you back to your doctor or to another practitioner if I feel that what I offer is not your best option. I believe in an integrative approach to wellness that incorporates both needed medical care and complementary care. I offer a complementary holistic approach that includes specialised massage, acupressure and energy work derived from traditional techniques to support you alongside any necessary medical care.

Unfortunately I sometimes hear from clients of negative experiences they have had with other practitioners, both holistic and medical. My best advice to you if you are struggling to conceive or have any concerns about abdominal health is to first find a GP you trust and have a good rapport with, and discuss your concerns and choices with them as your starting point. Take any tests recommended and do your research. Read well-researched books on fertility support to see how you can help yourself in the meantime.

If you go down the IVF route, ask lots of questions, speak to former patients and get word of mouth recommendations from people you know if possible, bearing in mind that no clinic no matter how good can guarantee pregnancy. You should though feel cared for, listened to and have things fully explained including any potential side effects of medication, short or long term. You should never feel pressured into treatments you don’t feel ready for or comfortable with, or be given a hard sell.

For complementary care once you have had proper medical investigation and followed any treatment advice, look for word of mouth recommendations then try a single session of any therapy you are considering. Not every therapy or therapist will be a good fit for you - so much in this work comes down to good rapport and how safe and comfortable you feel with both therapist and therapy. Not everyone responds to acupuncture well for example and equally there are people who just don’t enjoy touch therapy. Find what suits you and stick with it a while as you also make simple changes to help fertility naturally such as getting good quality sleep, taking moderate exercise, reducing alcohol and caffeine, eating well and reducing stress. No therapy will counteract you continually depleting yourself in any of these areas.

Social media, Facebook and Google ads and online reviews are unfortunately not your best source of information and sadly there is little regulation or agreement on standards in holistic and complementary therapies - trust your gut here and be discriminating. Ask questions up front, a good therapist will be open about training, experience and qualifications and happy to discuss this with you - as a minimum, anyone offering any kind of hands on massage therapy to you should be properly qualified in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage and their training should have been extensive and in person, not online and not a short course of a few days or a small section in a beauty therapy training for example (an ITEC Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage from an accredited provider is a good basic standard of training - any specialised massage technique such as Maya abdominal massage is a post-graduate training, open only to fully qualified massage therapists or other suitably qualified practitioners such as acupuncturists or physiotherapists). Unfortunately there are people claiming to offer this without having had the genuine training from qualified teachers, as well as people doing online courses or setting up as therapists with a few days of training. Please do check qualifications and when and where training took place, and over how long a period - you can contact teachers and training organisations to verify this.

I am happy to have among my clients medical doctors and nurses, physiotherapists and acupuncturists, yoga teachers and therapists as well as women from all walks of life - I have many clients who return when planning their second or third pregnancies and it is a joy to support them again. I see clients who have been recommended for abdominal work by their doctor or who are self-referred, women trying to conceive naturally or who are undergoing fertility treatments at the leading fertility clinics in Ireland including the Sims Clinic, Beacon Clinic and Merrion Fertility Clinic in Dublin as well as internationally in Spain, the Canaries, Cyprus and Greece. Holistic fertility support sessions are also available worldwide via Zoom to guide you through self-applied hands on holistic work. 

How can massage help on my fertility journey?

Here are some examples of how the kind of massage and bodywork I offer can help. Please be aware that these benefits are based on traditional practice and clinical experience - as with any treatment, individual results cannot be guaranteed. No treatment, holistic or medical can guarantee you a pregnancy. Let me reiterate it is essential that you visit your doctor in the first instance to discuss any issues you may be having with fertility and pelvic health and that any tests and diagnosis are completed or in progress before you attend. Your time and health are precious and if a simple medical treatment (such as diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism for example) is what you need, you should not delay in finding this out.

Women often seek out complementary treatments to help manage symptoms of conditions such as endometriosis if this is not severe enough to require surgical treatment. One of the greatest benefits of massage is that it can help break up adhesions. Specialised massage techniques over the womb, ovaries and Fallopian tubes, in addition to castor oil packs at home, can provide a non-invasive option that may help women with pelvic congestion and may be worth trying before resorting to more invasive procedures. Please do discuss this with your doctor as if your condition is very advanced a surgical option may be your best resort if time is not on your side - in that case holistic abdominal massage can help in your healing process once you have recovered from surgery.

Holistic Pelvic Massage techniques such as Maya massage or Fertility Massage also help the body with congestive issues of the pelvis by improving blood flow. When endometriosis for example begins to grow in other areas of the body besides the uterus, irritation occurs which then can create scar tissue. This in turn can cause organs to begin to become stuck together by the scar tissue and tight fascia. It may also cause fallopian tubes to begin to twist. Massage may be helpful for management of pain caused and over time may help to gently soften and release adhesions. Endorphins are also released during a massage which help to reduce pain and stress.

Please be aware that conditions such as endometriosis cannot be diagnosed by an external examination nor diagnosed by complementary practitioners nor felt from the surface - you must see your doctor who may recommend pelvic scanning and laparoscopy to help you with a correct diagnosis. Holistic treatments can help you manage less severe endometriosis or assist in your healing process if surgery is needed.

The techniques help to increase circulation which may in turn help to increase egg health alongside a healthy diet by bringing fresh oxygenated, nutrient filled blood to your eggs and improving lymphatic circulation to ease congestion. The treatment also includes shiatsu style work to balance energy flow through the body and generally helps you feel deeply relaxed yet uplifted after your session.

Massage also helps with the stress of infertility. Stress has been shown in studies to affect hormonal balance by increasing prolactin (also the hormone that keeps you from getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding) and raising cortisol (a stress hormone). Cortisol shares a common precursor with progesterone (a sex hormone) –so it is essential to try to calm cortisol production to optimise your hormonal balance. Massage is very helpful for this, as are yoga and meditation, and many women come for treatment alongside other reproductive support as they find the sessions so deeply relaxing and nurturing.

The Holistic Pelvic Massage I offer is a very relaxing therapy that works on your core to benefit the whole body and can be very effective as a stress relieving therapy. While you are receiving a massage, the body begins to relax, blood and lymph flow improves, endorphins (feel good hormones) are released, and muscular tension eases. The rhythmic flowing strokes of your professional treatment allied to your regular at home self care ritual can be a great antidote to stress build up in your body.

Many health issues can be traced back to lack of optimal circulation and healthy circulation is vital for fertility and your overall wellbeing. Delivering fresh, clean, well-oxygenated blood to our organs and cells is of the upmost importance. Massage supports the body’s natural processes helping to return blood to the heart for oxygen, improving lymph drainage and circulation and helping the body to process and get rid of toxins  in organs and muscles.

There are many causes of poor circulation, the main ones being:

  • Having a sedentary lifestyle

  • Sitting for long periods of time in work and at home

  • Lack of exercise

  • High cholesterol

 Of course these are things you need to work on alongside having complementary treatments and managing stress better through your sessions can help give you the boost you need to make changes bit by bit.

Abdominal massage has been used for centuries in many traditional cultures around the worlds - from the Mayans to the Chinese, Indian and East Asian traditions -  to help women with their fertility and menstrual health naturally by releasing and relaxing tension in the abdomen and lower back and supporting a healthy circulation to the womb. This pelvic bodywork works over the reproductive organs of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries as well as your other abdominal organs such as the stomach, liver, small intestine and colon. The technique also works on the diaphragm helping to improve breathing and oxygenation.

Massaging around the womb

Your womb sits behind and just above the bladder towards the bottom of the pelvic bowl. It may be compressed by bloated and sluggish intestines, and general lack of healthy circulation in the pelvis. The main artery that supplies the uterus with blood also supplies the legs with blood. If you lead a sedentary or stressful life this circulation can be compromised. Improving your overall activity level, engaging in stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates and receiving skilled abdominal massage work can help greatly. Fallopian tubes can be twisted and congestion, restricted fascia, inflammation, scar tissue, or past surgeries to the pelvic area can all contribute to poor circulation to the womb. The ovaries are located in front of the uterus either side but can be shifted in position due to fascial restrictions. Massage can help your ovaries by helping to gently ease restrictions and by bringing fresh well-oxygenated blood and nutrients to your eggs.

Belly Massage

Part of the abdominal massage works deeply over the stomach, liver and intestines. Massaging the stomach is useful for helping digestion and reducing stress. At first you may become aware of how your stomach feels physically tight and tense due to stress and holding patterns in the body. All health begins in the gut and a relaxed digestive system functions better and supports overall health and hormonal balance.

Liver Massage

Your liver performs over 700 tasks in the body one of which is to process excess hormones and toxins for excretion from the body. The liver is located on the right side of the body just behind and below the bottom ribs. The massage helps improve circulation of blood and energy to the liver.

Small intestine and deep colon massage

Massaging the intestines is so important for your general health and can greatly improve how well and vital you feel. By massaging the intestines you are helping your body to eliminate impacted faeces and improve peristalsis and healthy function. As well as eating a balanced nutrient dense diet, you want to ensure you improve your absorption of the nutrients. Deep colon massage is very helpful here. Congested faecal impacted intestines can also be heavy, leaving you feeling weighed down, sluggish and bloated and putting unnecessary weight on the womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.


  • If you are menstruating at the time of your session, the protocol will be adapted and use only very light strokes over the womb.

  • If you are currently trying to conceive, it is best to receive fertility abdominal massage in the weeks between the last day of your period and ovulation but the protocol can be adapted to any point in your cycle.

  • Abdominal massage is not advised in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy and this therapy is not suitable if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

  • If you have any abdominal health issues you must first consult with your doctor before attending for abdominal massage, whether this is to support fertility or digestion. This is a complementary therapy and not a replacement for necessary medical care.

What techniques are used in Holistic Pelvic Massage sessions?*

Deirdre’s style of work incorporates techniques from Maya abdominal massage, Chi Nei Tsang (Asian organ massage), Tui Na, energy medicine, deep tissue massage, pulsing, myofascial release, acupressure, reflexology and castor oil therapy. Additional techniques such as EFT/Tapping for fertility and auricular acupuncture (a microsystem acupuncture using the ear as a map of the body) can be added to your treatment as needed.

Chi Nei Tsang and Energy as Medicine

Chi Nei Tsang is an ancient Chinese form of organ massage. It is used to clear blocked energy, tension, stress that accumulates in the organs, release toxins, clear excessive heat if present, or helps with heat deficiency such as a cold uterus. The basis of Chi Nei Tsang is based on helping the flow of chi (life force) to flow smoothly through the entire body. If there is a health issue anywhere in the body, this is an indication of blocked or stagnant chi. The massage helps to clear the blockage so chi can continue flowing and help the body to heal itself using the same principles as acupuncture.

Deirdre is one of the first certified practitioners of Energy Medicine, a holistic practice of bodywork (based on the work of renowned healer Donna Eden) in Europe with many years of training and professional practice. A high degree of sensitivity and extensive training in tracking subtle imbalances in your body’s energy systems make Deirdre’s bespoke sessions uniquely tailored to you.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage  helps to break up adhesions, increase circulation, and aids in lymphatic drainage. The slow, deep movements of the massage help to relax the body while promoting fresh blood flow.

Myofascial Release

This helps to release constrictions of the myofascial tissue that wraps around your organs and muscles. This helps to release organs and tissues that may have become stuck to each other and also helps bring fresh blood and oxygen to the reproductive system.


Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine and is the original form which acupuncture developed from, but uses finger pressure rather than needles. It involves applying pressure to a specific point on the body to bring greater balance and circulation. Acupressure can help with both physical and emotional wellbeing. You may have read how acupuncture can help support fertility - acupressure for holistic fertility support can be very helpful if you prefer not to use needles and the technique can be seamlessly blended into a warm and nurturing pampering fertility massage.


Reflexology is a massage technique that is applied to specific areas of your feet, hands or face. Deirdre has received specialised training in both reproductive reflexology and chi reflexology. This type of holistic fertility reflexology can support the health of the reproductive system and also has specific protocols to work with each phase of your cycle whether trying for a baby naturally or undergoing IVF or other ART. By stimulating certain points the body is assisted to clear congestion and stagnation and circulation and chi to flow to the organ is improved. There are specific points to work referring to the reproductive, endocrine, and digestive systems and sequences to encourage better chi flow. Depending on your needs, Deirdre may also combine reflexology work with visualisations for deep energetic and emotional balancing in your session.

Additional complementary therapies for natural fertility support

Castor Oil Packing

Castor oil has been used for thousands of years as a healing tool and was frequently recommended by the great healer, Edgar Cayce. Castor oil is extracted from the castor plant and is used, externally only, over the lower abdomen. The packs may help break down internal adhesions, improve lymphatic function in the area and help relieve congestion in the pelvis. They can also help in improving digestive function and slimming down fat and congestion around the middle.

Essential oils

Therapeutic organic and wild-crafted aromatherapy oils and flower essences are blended into a personalised massage balm to support your pelvic health, whether you are looking to improve reproductive or digestive health. You can also take home a blended oil for self care massage.  

Teaching you a self care pelvic massage

Putting healing in your own hands, Deirdre will take the time to teach you how to do a simple massage routine at home. This will take 5 – 10 minutes a day and is very helpful in maintaining and building on the effects of your professional sessions.

Natural fertility complementary care

Holistic Pelvic Massage Therapy is an ideal addition to your natural fertility programme or to any programme of Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) such as IVF, IUI, ICSI but please be aware that complementary therapists cannot diagnose medical issues and you must see your doctor as your first point of contact - they will remain your primary healthcare provider and any medical questions or concerns should be directed to them.


Is this for me?

If your condition would benefit from relaxing muscle tension in the abdomen, improving circulation, reducing lymphatic congestion, having a better flow of energy or chi, improving alignment of pelvic organs, then yes, Holistic Pelvic Massage may help you! I would be happy to have a no obligation chat with you to answer any questions you have.

Please note: You should always first see your doctor about any unexplained abdominal symptoms and they will remain your primary healthcare provider if you are diagnosed with any medical condition. Where appropriate and after consultation with your doctor you can receive pelvic massage as a complementary therapy. As a holistic therapist I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions but work to support wellbeing and healthy functioning of the body. This treatment is based on traditional techniques drawn from many cultures and individual results may vary.

Emotional ups and downs on your fertility journey

Increased stress levels, invasive procedures, emotional turmoil, fears and worries; our bodies hang on to these stresses and emotions, often in our abdomen. Our language can reveal this  - you might feel 'sick to your stomach', 'have butterflies in your tummy', feel 'gutted', or describe an event as 'gut wrenching' or 'stomach churning'. If those feelings are familiar to you, Holistic Fertility Massage Therapy can help gently ease this tension, so you feel lighter and freer in mind and body.


You may have been told 'just relax and it will happen!' or be watching friends and family effortlessly fall pregnant which only increases your own sense of tension and frustration. It's so hard to 'just relax' even though you know that's what you should be doing. Taking time out for yourself to be nurtured, and learning how to perform the massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax and unwind.

Holistic Pelvic Massage has numerous physical benefits but one of the most important benefits is to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within, supporting you through whatever fertility journey you are on.

  • Whether you have been trying to conceive for some time or are at the beginning of your journey

  • Trying to conceive naturally or going through IVF cycles

  • Planning on using an egg or sperm donor

  • Have experienced previous miscarriages

  • Just want to maintain and support your pelvic health

  • Are part of a same sex couple or single parent

Massage can benefit you both physically, emotionally and spiritually.